
Wall Street Silver Official Podcast: Silver Premiums Are Crazy, Here Is What to Buy & Avoid

Interest in the commodity space remains strong. Investors worried about the high inflation numbers of the past few months have ...
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Simply Bitcoin: Michael Saylor & Jack Dorsey Just Destroyed Bitcoin Climate FUD

Two contradictory trends have been at play in the last two years. The first is the rise of Bitcoin as ...
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Money For the Rest of Us: Is It Time to Invest in Big Tech or Medium Tech Stocks?

Most tech stocks are down at least 20 percent from their 52-week highs. Many are in far worse shape. One ...
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Game of Trades: THIS Will Trigger an SP500 MOVE We Have Not Seen in 13 Years

A confluence of economic data suggests that we’re entering into a full-blown bear market. Between trends like employment, inflation, fuel ...
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BiggerNews May: What the Media Isn’t Telling You About a “Housing Crash”

Following two years of record-high price increases, housing is one asset that many see potentially crashing in the months ahead ...
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What Bitcoin Did: Is There a Moral Case for Fossil Fuels?

The past few years has seen an explosion of interest in combatting climate change. For investors, the biggest drive has ...
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Morningstar: The Verdict on Wide-Moat Stocks

Value investing has a number of tenants. One of the more popular items that value investors look for is a ...
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The Dividend Guy: Ignoring Yield Below 1% Is Your Biggest Investment Mistake

With growth stocks out of favor with the market, many investors are turning to dividend stocks. They tend to be ...
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Minority Mindset: The Fed JUST Said They WANT To Crash the Market

The resumed selloff in the stock market has caused indices to retest their February lows. Many stocks have fallen further ...
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The Irrelevant Investor: New Lows

The stock market’s renewed decline in recent weeks has sent stocks to 52-week lows on average. For some companies, the ...
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Game of Trades: Investors are About to Get Sucked Into the WORST SP500 Move in History

The market is throwing off a number of recessionary signals. Spiking oil prices. An increasingly hawkish Federal Reserve. And many ...
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Dividend Café: Something to Be Certain About

These are difficult times. That’s something that can often be heard when the stock market isn’t trading near its all-time ...
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Wall Street Silver Official Podcast: Europe Imploding As Commodities Skyrocket

No matter how advanced the economy gets, or how deeply one moves into the digital realm, the world still relies ...
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The Breakdown, With NLW: Economists See Increasing Risk of Recession and Stagflation

The past few weeks have seen a rising number of economists and analysts who see a rising risk of a ...
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The Plain Bagel: What Rising Rates ACTUALLY Mean For Your Investments

With interest rates meaningfully off their lows and the Federal Reserve set to continue increasing interest rates this year, there’s ...
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Noah Kagan: Asking 80 Year old Millionaires If It Was Worth It

Investing is a journey with a few goals in mind. For most, that may mean the ability to retire, potentially ...
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Bitcoin 2022: The Future Is Bright with Michael Saylor & Cathie Wood

Cryptocurrencies are a relatively new asset class, having been around for less than 15 years. The largest and most popular, ...
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Money For the Rest of Us: Investing in Business Development Companies and other Niche Assets

With interest rates rising, and bond prices falling, investors are looking elsewhere for income and reasonable yields in a period ...
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Bigger Pockets: How to Counter the Biggest Risk of 2022’s Real Estate Cycle

Many homeowners have enjoyed tremendous increases in wealth over the past two years as home prices have soared. But with ...
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Morningstar Investing Insights: What You Need to Know About Utilities Stocks, Inflation and 3 Top Stocks

Investors have pivoted away from growth to more defensive stocks in recent months. While many top funds and investors are ...
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Of Dollars and Data: The Yield Curve Just Inverted… Now What?

Investors are aware of the macroeconomic implications of the yield curve inverting. But they need more than that. They need ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: The Predictive Power of the Yield Curve

With the yield curve inverting in recent weeks, investors should feel duly warned. This indicator has a stellar record of ...
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Sure Dividend: Will Tesla Ever Pay a Dividend?

As markets get volatile, investors often seek the safety of companies that pay out a dividend. When traders make big ...
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The Big Picture: Sources of SPX Earnings Growth

While the market can be volatile on a daily basis, stocks tend to go up or down over time as ...
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Meet Kevin: A Warning for Stocks

The stock market has retraced part of its losses over the past few months. But when hitting a key technical ...
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Ray Dalio: Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order

Billionaire investor Ray Dalio believes that the future ahead will be vastly different than what we have experienced in our ...
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Wall Street Silver Official Podcast: Energy Crisis Leading to Food Shortage This Year

Traders have largely been focused on precious metals, energy, and commodities like wheat in the past month, as Russia’s invasion ...
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Game of Trades: This is Exactly Like the 1929 Yield Curve Inversion

The 10-year Treasury yield curve has inverted relative to the 2-year yield. In other words, investors can get a higher ...
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The Podcast: The Outlook for Central Bank Digital Currency with Author Michael Casey

Following the Biden Administration’s executive order asking executive branch agencies to look into regulating cryptocurrencies and the potential for a ...
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We Study Billionaires: The Billionaire’s Peak Performance Playbook

It’s no surprise that many investors can fare well by following in the footsteps of the best investors out there—the ...
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The Compound and Friends: Pulling Out

In the latest Compound and Friends podcast, the roundtable discusses a number of macroeconomic issues. The biggest issues pertain to ...
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Invest Like the Best: Marko Papic – a Multi-Polar World

Marko Papic, partner and chief strategist at Clocktower Group, leads the firm’s research on macroeconomics and markets. Marko has spent ...
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What Bitcoin Did: The End of the Dollar Hegemony with Nic Carter

Nic Carter, a Partner at Castle Island Ventures and co-founder and Chairman of Coin Metrics, discusses a number of monetary ...
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Wall Street Silver Official Podcast: Silver Supply Extremely Tight, Tyler Wall, CEO of SD Bullion

Physical precious metals have been in strong demand over the past month following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Not only have ...
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GreenWood Investors Q4 2021 Letter

In a piece called The Acceleration of Time, hedge fund GreenWood Investors looks at the issues facing markets at the ...
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How to Invest Like George Soros

George Soros is a trading legend. And, he is an investment legend because he achieved amazing results. Over more than ...
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A 5G Investment Hidden in Plain Sight

Fifth generation, or 5G, wireless systems are set to change the way cell phones connect to the world. The truth ...
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This Asset Class Could Provide Double Digit Passive Income

Every saver has come to understand the problem of low interest rates. Interest rates available on safe investments could be ...
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An Active Strategy For Inactive Traders

Many traders would like to trade more actively but they may lack the time. There are some strategies that require ...
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Emerging Markets Could Be Leading Global Markets

Emerging markets, as a group, remain more than 20% below their recent peak. A decline of 20% is the commonly ...
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Finding Winning Stocks With the Most Potential

Many investors study the past to find potential winners in the future. The idea is that stocks that did well ...
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Reading a Cloud Chart

Ichimoku Cloud charts are a popular tool for analysts, perhaps because they are visually appealing. The most prominent feature on ...
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Investing Like a Rocket Scientist To Deliver Returns

Many investors are considering strategies that can be considered quantitative investing. This type of investing is, in general, a newer ...
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This Could Be the Most Important Decision for Investors

While many investors spend a great deal of time considering what to buy, that may not be the most important ...
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Could This Be the Time to Buy Cryptocurrencies ?

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have enjoyed a bull market recently. As Barron’s noted, “After trading around $4,000 for the first ...
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These Could Be the Best Recession Stocks

As the last recession, and bear market, was accelerating, a research report identified the stocks that had performed the best ...
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How to Really Read Chart Patterns

Charts have been used by traders for hundreds of years. The practice was widespread by the early 1900s when many ...
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Can This Trick Really Help Your Portfolio?

It’s often described as the “only free lunch in investing.” Diversification is defined as “a risk management strategy that mixes ...
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Cheap Gold Miners

Gold prices have been in a trading range for some time and could be considered bullish based on the chart ...
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What You Should Know About the Price to Sales Ratio

Fundamental analysts focus on data available in financial statements. Among the most popular uses of this data is the calculation ...
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Stocks Under $10 Ben Graham’s Formula Says Are Buys

Warren Buffett completed his graduate degree at the Colombia Business School which he specifically chose so he could study under ...
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Six Stocks Under $5 Designed for the Worst Six Months

We are now officially in the seasonally bearish worst six months, the time of year characterized by the popular saying ...
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This Company Demonstrates Why You Should Diversify Your Portfolio

Many investors follow Warren Buffett because he may be the most successful value investor of all time. That means they ...
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Now Could Be the Time to Buy Brexit

Brexit has been in the news for years and is still an issue that investors might not fully understand. CNN ...
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Another Sign of a Top

Market analysts often say that they don’t ring a bell at the top indicating that there is never a loud ...
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Five Stocks Under $5 That Warren Buffett Might Buy, If He Could

Warren Buffett is a great investor, but he really can not do everything that we, as individual investors, can do ...
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Here’s What Really Happens In An IPO

We often see reports of initial public offering (IPO) tinged with excitement. There is anticipation prior to the first day ...
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The Biggest Trend Investors Should Be Aware Of

The biggest trend investors should be aware of might be fintech. Fintech is the term that is “used to describe ...
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This Could Be the Best Electric Vehicle Trade

While very few things seem to be certain in the stock market, there is one statement that seems to hold ...
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Selling Could Be the Most Important Part of Investing

A recent study found that professional investment managers are fairly good at picking stocks to buy. Their research efforts are ...
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This Beaten Down Sector Could Be a Buy

News can often affect a stock’s price. That is especially true when the news is related to earnings and the ...
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What Stock Buy Backs Really Mean

Stock buy backs are a controversial topic in some circles. But investors should know that Warren Buffett is in favor ...
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This Peak Could Doom the Stock Market

Investors often focus on earnings, or sales, or how the company is growing its earnings or sales. Other investors might ...
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Here’s Why You Should Know Your CEO’s Age

Value investing is one of the simple concepts in finance that is difficult in practice. The concept is to buy ...
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Rethinking Retirement With a Nobel Prize Winner

Retirement is a complex financial problem and it is one that has received significant attention from great thinkers. recently ...
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Understanding the Stock Market as a Game

There are differences, as we all know, between playing golf as a weekend player and a professional. These differences can ...
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This Precious Metal Could Be a Buy Right Now

Gold is often considered an investment, but others might believe it is more. The Asia Times recently noted, “gold quietly ...
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A Hidden Problem For Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is a significant challenge to many investors.  They must decide how much to save now to allow them ...
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This Could Be the Biggest Winner of the Driverless Car Revolution

Traders are excited about driverless cars. They see a tremendous investment opportunity. Driverless cars, also referred to as autonomous vehicles, ...
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Here’s What You Need to Know About the Next IPO

Lyft (Nasdaq: LYFT) has already started trading and Uber is capturing headlines. These are companies that were unicorns and are ...
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Emerging Markets Could Be a Buy, Again

Investors have heard the same call to action many times in the past. Expert analysts point out that there is ...
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Trading the Inverted Yield Curve

One of the biggest stories for investors in the past few weeks has been the inverted yield curve. As Investopedia ...
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News Could Indicate the Yield Curve Inversion Isn’t Important

Among traders, the magazine cover indicator is legendary. The indicator holds that when a major market story hits the covers ...
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Investing in Your Home Might Be Profitable

Home ownership can be a surprisingly controversial topic among investment experts. The question of whether or not a home is ...
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Cats Are Pets, and Potentially an Important Investment Theme

There are more than 74 million cats in over 36 million American households according to estimates from the American Veterinary ...
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Volatility Could Be the Best Trade in the Markets Right Now

The yield curve inverted and that led to a scramble among analysts to forecast the implications. The most obvious implication ...
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Know What You Want Your Investments To Do

Successful musicians often suffer from financial problems that are similar to the problems of a typical individual investor. The similarities ...
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This Study Could Reveal the Best Way to Invest in Crypto

Maybe some investors would like to invest in the crypto markets but find the market itself to be daunting. All ...
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It Could Be Time To Buy Into This Big Name Turnaround Story

Some investors love turnarounds. That makes recent price moves in Chipotle Mexican Grill (NYSE: CMG) potentially appealing. It’s been almost ...
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What Is Crypto?

An important question for investors to consider is why they would want to possibly own cryptocurrencies. The question is basically, ...
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Uber, Lyft and Pinterest Could Be Signaling Investors

CNBC is warning that “Euphoric IPO market may be a troubling sign for stocks” and the article notes, “Billion-dollar private ...
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More Big News From the Bond Market That Investors Must Be Aware Of

Many investors are familiar with the news that the yield curve inverted. The yield curve defines the relationship between Treasury ...
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Shaq Might Just Be the Next Oprah

On the day that the yield curve inverted, one of the biggest winners on Wall Street was a pizza maker ...
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The Fed Might Have Triggered a Bear Market

Last week’s news from the Federal Reserve was significant. After a two day meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee announced ...
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The Yield Curve Inversion Could Mean It’s Time to Panic

The yield curve can be a concept that is a challenge to understand for some investors. It might be best ...
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This Market Expert Says Be Careful With Yields

Mortgage real estate investment trusts, or mREITs, help provide essential liquidity for the real estate market. mREITs invest in residential ...
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This Might Be the Best Way to Look at Boeing as an Investment

When it comes to corporate disasters, the thought of Boeing may be on the mind of many investors. Boeing’s brand-new ...
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This Obscure Indicator Can Help You Beat the Market

Many investors use indicators. Popular fundamental indicators include the price to earnings (P/E) ratio and the dividend yield. Popular technical ...
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Business Execs Are Increasingly Worried About Recession

Every quarter, executives of large companies share their outlook with analysts in conference calls after earnings are announced. In these ...
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This Could Be the Time to Buy a Home

If you are renting and considering buying a home, now could be the time to make the move based on ...
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Big Investors Are Doing Something Small Investors Should Consider

On Wall Street, many analysts talk about the smart money. This represents the large funds and investors with millions of ...
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Are Cryptos a Recession Hedge?

Recession is a word that chills investors. With good reason. The stock market often declines before the economy contracts and ...
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If You Follow Buffett, You Might Have This Problem In Your Portfolio

Warren Buffett is widely followed because he has delivered a long record of successful investments. Not all of Buffett’s investments ...
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New Thinking on Reverse Mortgages

A reverse mortgage, according to Investopedia, “is a loan. A homeowner who is 62 or older and has considerable home ...
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This Could Be the Perfect Trade to Prepare for the Market Correction

In case any investor forgot, prices go both up or down. This was a lesson brought home to investors in ...
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Gold’s Pullback Could Show It’s Time to Buy

Investors know that price trends are interrupted by countertrend moves. In other words, prices move neither straight up nor straight ...
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How the Fed Affects Individual Investors

It was just a few months ago when the financial community was certain the Federal Reserve would continue raising interest ...
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Four Warren Buffett Stocks Trading Under $10

Like many investors, we spend a great deal of time studying Warren Buffett. In our research, we concluded that there ...
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Cryptos Continue to Show Signs of a Rebound

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are on short term winning streaks. Bitcoin is up more than 20% from its December lows ...
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How to Invest Special Report

How to Invest in the Next Billion-Dollar Startup It’s every investor’s dream—the one trade that makes a fortune. Of course, ...
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Amazon Could Be the Next Walmart

Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN) has been a great stock market performer and great performance often leads to skepticism. Investors become concerned ...
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How to Trade the Change From FAANG To FAANGUP

The FAANG stocks are the market leaders, a group of tech stocks consisting of Facebook (Nasdaq: FB), Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), ...
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Marijuana Could Be a $50 Billion Industry

For now, marijuana is in an unusual position. It is legal in some states but illegal in others and it ...
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After a One Day Drop of More Than 50%, Is This Company a Buy?

It's unusual to see a multi-billion-dollar company lose more than half of its value in one day. But that happened ...
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Robots Could Be the Next Big Investment Theme

Robots have been an almost constant theme in the public imagination for decades. Television shows in the 1960s often featured ...
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This Is Why Crypto Could Be a Buy

Cryptocurrencies were a trader’s favorite in 2017 but then a crash destroyed significant value in the sector. That crash could ...
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Retail Sales Raise Flags for Investors

Many investors and analysts closely watch economic data. The most recent data on retail sales caused many to question the ...
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There’s a New Investment Opportunity. But Should You Take It?

Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, or JOBS Act. While having many different functions, the one that has captured the most ...
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Here’s What Berkshire’s Oracle Buy Really Means

For at least some Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRKB) watchers, the recent news from the company might have been surprising. Like ...
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Now Is the Time to Prepare for the Fed’s Next Move

Traders are pricing in a dramatic shift in Federal Reserve policy. Market expectations of Fed policy can be easily determined ...
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This Billionaire Likes Garbage

Billionaire investors can provide useful information to individual investors. As an example of that, we can consider a recent news ...
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What’s the Fed Put and Does It Mean the Stock Market Will Rally?

Traders and analysts are once again wondering if the Federal Reserve will provide the “Fed put” that can potentially limit ...
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Stocks Under $15 With Growth and Income

Low priced stocks can deliver large gains, if the company can be successful. When considering what makes a company successful, ...
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Potential Stock Market Winners Under the Green New Deal

Recently, New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Ed Markey introduced a nonbinding resolution that calls for ...
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Trade the Dogs of the Dow Strategy for 2019

You might be familiar with the Dogs of the Dow, a popular investment strategy that identifies stocks in the Dow ...
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Now Could Be the Time for Gold

The headlines are a cause for concern. This is honestly true at any news site. It can be market news, ...
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7 High Yield Dividend Stocks to Buy Now

Many investors seek out dividends as a means of providing a return that isn’t based on a company’s share price ...
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The Future Looks Scary for Investors

Investors might be disappointed in the future. At least that is likely to be the case if Dr. Phil is ...
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5 Monster Dividend Plays to Kickstart Your Second Salary

Dividend stocks are a great way to earn passive income. So much so, they can actually help you secure a ...
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Earnings Peaked, And This Is Important, But Overlooked, News

Earnings season is underway. With about half of the companies in the S&P 500 having delivered their results for the ...
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Time To Look At This Sector Again

After the most recent meeting of the Federal Reserve, traders started reviewing their assumptions about rate hikes. Within days, futures ...
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Monetary Theory Is Suddenly Important to Investors

Monetary theory, according to Investopedia, “holds that change in money supply is the main driver in changes in economic activity ...
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It Could Be Time to Reconsider Bitcoin

Not that long ago, bitcoin was considered the next big investment. According to, a crypto industry news site, “In ...
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Uncertainty Is High, and That Could Affect Your Investments

It’s often said that stock market investors dislike uncertainty. When conditions are uncertain, that can lead to a bear market ...
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This Economic Trend Could Be the Most Important One For Investors to Follow

Investors need to follow economic trends because the stock market tends to move in the same direction in the long ...
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How a New Risk Could Affect Your Investments

Risk factors are commonly discussed among investors. Many think of the greatest risk factor being a bear market which is ...
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Be Sure You Have Realistic Expectations

Millennials are more optimistic than perhaps many realize. At least that’s the case when it comes to their personal finances ...
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Stocks After Government Shutdowns: What History Says

At least for now, the government shutdown is ending. It has been weeks since parts of the government shutdown and ...
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What Investors Should Know About Brexit

It’s earnings season in the United States and that will drive many headlines in the coming weeks. In addition to ...
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Forecasts Continue to Deteriorate

As some investors anticipate the end of the stock market decline, others remain worried and some of their concerns are ...
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Investment Picks of the Bond King

Large professional investors are different than individual investors. The professionals seem to generally have access to more information than individuals ...
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Losses Hurt More Than Many Investors Realize

Many investors readily adopt an attitude that they can’t beat the market. This makes sense for many since they have ...
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Ladders Could Be the Best Fixed Income Allocation

Interest rates rise and fall nearly every day. That is true for almost any investment in the financial markets. But ...
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This Could Be A Big Year for Initial Public Offerings

This could be a big year for initial public offerings or IPOs. According to Investopedia, The process of offering shares ...
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Many Investors Seemed to Forget About Bernie Madoff

In the midst of the financial crisis in 2008, a story broke that pushed declining stock prices out of the ...
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This Scary Chart Could Actually Guide Traders Through This Market

Some charts are interesting but, at first glance, they seem like nothing but an interesting coincidence. Among the more popular ...
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Is Vanguard’s Decision to Limit Choices Good For You?

It’s an argument that libertarians are prone to make. As a political philosophy, libertarianism, in the broadest sense of the ...
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Bearish Sentiment Could Mean More Gains for Gold

One of the indicators many analysts consider in their market outlook is sentiment. This is usually applied as a contrary ...
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You Might Be Like a Professional Investor, And That’s Bad

Many professional investors spend all day deciding which stocks to buy and sell. That’s their job. Many individual investors have ...
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How to Invest the Year After “The Year No One Made Money”

Many investors are pleased that 2018 is over. Some analysts are calling it the year that no one made money ...
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This Could Be the Biggest News Investors Are Ignoring Today

The story appears to be straightforward. “SoftBank is planning to invest $2 billion in WeWork, the leading co-working company according ...
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This Long-Term Trend Could Drive This Stock Up

Investors often say they focus on the long term. If they really do, it could be useful to consider some ...
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The Most Common Mistakes Investors Make

Experience, it is often said, is the best teacher. Perhaps that’s because it can be such a painful lesson to ...
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These Assets Could Be Big Winners, But They Aren’t Right for Many of Us

Investors are flooded with information at the end of the year. There are many articles that review the year in ...
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Here’s Why 2019 Could Be a Bad Year for Stocks

In the long run, stock prices are driven by earnings. That’s why investors should be concerned about 2019. According to ...
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Esoteric Markets Could Sink Global Markets in 2019

The prose is rather dry, as you would expect a detailed report written by economists to be. The headline actually ...
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This Chart Could Show the Biggest Risk of 2019

As is often the case, investors and analysts are studying the stock market in search of clues about the future ...
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Computers Might Be Making This Decline Worse, or Better

There has been a relentless shift on Wall Street ever since the first traders gathered under the buttonwood tree that ...
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Can the Fed Save the Stock Market?

The Federal Reserve, according to many analysts, was responsible for the great bull market in stocks that began in 2009 ...
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Bears Feed Off the Economy

As major stock market indexes fall to levels associated with bear markets, investors are considering an important question which is ...
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2019’s Best Bet In Stocks

The end of the year is often a time for reflection. It is a time to look ahead. Both of ...
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Experts Tell Barron’s to Expect a Rally Next Year

It’s as much an annual tradition on Wall Street as the mistletoe in many homes on Main Street. Every year, ...
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Insiders and Institutions Love These Cheap Stocks

We can think of stock market investors in terms of groups. Some groups in that structure know more than others ...
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Four Warren Buffett Stocks Trading Under $3

Let’s face it. We all want to invest like Warren Buffett. Buffett is a great investor who now benefits from ...
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This Could Be the First Signal of a Market Bottom

For now, it seems safe to say that the stock market is in a down trend. But the beginning of ...
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Surprise: This Could Be Your Best Retirement Investment

Many of the things we think we know about investing are wrong. But we do know one thing with near ...
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How to Think Like Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is an investing icon and there is a good reason for that. He has been amazingly successful and ...
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Do-Good Investors Looking to Pot Stocks

Some investors are not worried about maximizing profits. Instead they seek to maximize gains consistent with their values. This investment ...
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This Hedge Fund Legend Says Expect a Big Decline. Should You Listen?

High profile investors often make market forecasts in the age of CNBC. To some degree, CNBC creates this environment. The ...
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This Could Be the Season for Video Games

While they were once popular just among teens, video games are increasingly popular among all age groups and demographics. It ...
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Here’s Why Analysts Are Watching for the Next Sears

The story of Sears is one of change. At first, Sears led the change. But, in the end Sears was ...
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An Often Overlooked Problem With Buy and Hold

Buy and hold is a popular investment strategy. While that term, buy and hold, is widely used, it might mean ...
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These Crises Could Drive a Deep Bear Market

Investors are wondering whether or not stocks will continue moving lower. Many are seriously considering the possibility. But others are ...
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Looking Beyond Gold

Gold prices have been rallying. They are now at their highest level since July. And, this could be the beginning ...
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Alternative Data: The Next Big Thing

Alternative data has recently become the “next big thing” for investors who are searching for edges and the data is ...
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What Individual Investors Can Learn From GE’s Pension Plan

General Electric (NYSE: GE) has been in the news quite a bit recently. Analysts have been cutting price targets, some ...
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Value in a Bear Market

We may very well be in the early days of a bear market. No one knows for sure until the ...
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This Is Why Smart Investors Study History

After the recent selloff in tech stocks, some investors are wondering if it is time to buy the FAANGs. The ...
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This Could Be the Best Way to Use Stock Charts

Stock charts show the price action. They simply record the history of trading and tell us nothing about the fundamentals ...
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This Year Is Different: It’s Worse Than Many Investors Realize

Many investors believe diversification can help them reduce risks. This phrase, “reduce risks,” does have many possible meanings. But, for ...
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Retail Isn’t Dead, and Here’s a Trade for the Sector

It’s an old story by now. Retail is dead, and, at least to some degree it is because shoppers are ...
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Buffett’s Putting His Money Into This Sector

Warren Buffett isn’t always right. But he is right quite often. That’s why it can be profitable for individual investors ...
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Goldman Sachs Says It’s Time to Worry

Many investors worry all the time. Many analysts urge investors to worry all the time. It feels as if some ...
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This Could Be Your Valuable Bear Market Strategy

Some major Wall Street firms warn we are in a bear market. Morgan Stanley thinks the bull market is already ...
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These Four Large Cap Stocks Are Bargains Now

Market sell offs do have a silver lining. As prices fall, valuations tend to decline in the market. As prices ...
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This Leading indicator Just Screamed a Warning

Analysts tend to divide indicators into various categories. For stock market analysts reviewing economic indicators, categories often include a description ...
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The Truth About Pensions

Millennials, and in fact almost everyone, seems to long for the good old days. Those were the days when employers ...
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Big Banks and Big Investors Warn the Bear Market Could Get Worse

Investing is challenging for a number of reasons. One reason is that it takes unique insights to succeed. Another reason ...
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Why It Can Pay to Follow the CEO

Many investors look at news events that seem unique and simply turn their attention to the next story. But, the ...
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The Next Big Thing In Investing

Many investors spend time looking for the next big thing. The next Apple, or the next marijuana sector. They often ...
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Secrets of Institutional Investors: Factors

Many ideas in the investment community start in the academic institutions where researchers attempt to unlock the mysteries of the ...
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What Investors Need to Know About Oil’s Bear Market

Oil is in a bear market. That’s using the official definition of a bear market which requires a price drop ...
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This Sector Could Be a Big Winner

The midterm election is now in the history books and the hard work of governing is about to begin. For ...
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Could This Be the Time to Consider Bitcoin?

For the past few weeks, many traders have been focused on the stock market. They are concerned about the recent ...
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China’s Secret Could Make the Next Recession Deeper Than Expected

Debt makes recessions worse and recoveries more difficult. This was one of the conclusions emphasized in “This Time Is Different: ...
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Buybacks Are Now Important to the Bull Market

In the recent market sell off, some analysts wondered if the lack of corporate buybacks was a problem for the ...
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Investing Secrets of Bernard Baruch

Among the long forgotten Wall Street legends is Bernard Baruch. His biography seems short, according to Wikipedia: “Baruch became a ...
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Warren Buffett Is As Good at Selling As He Is at Buying

Warren Buffett is famous for being a buy and hold investor. Buffett famously says that his favorite holding period is ...
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Here’s Why Missing the Ten Best Days Could Be Good For Investors

It’s a chart that financial planners like to pull out when the stock market sells off. Recently, the story was ...
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Prohibition Is Over: How Marijuana Differs from Alcohol

Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages ...
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This Looks Like the “Near Bear” Market of 2011

Officially, there hasn’t been a bear market since 2009. The S&P 500 bottomed in March of that year after falling ...
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The Best Trades for November

Stocks fell sharply in October but that doesn’t mean they won’t rally in November. That’s the challenge investors now face ...
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The S&P 500 Gave An Important Sell Signal

With the recent sell off, many analysts have noted that the S&P 500 dropped below its 200 day moving average ...
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Five S&P 500 Stocks With the Most Downside Risk

The stock market is in the midst of a pull back. Formal definitions of bear market markets require waiting for ...
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A New Worry for Stock Market investors: Home Prices

Traders like to say things aren’t a problem until they are. In other words, higher interest rates aren’t a problem ...
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This Group of Stocks Could Help Income Investors Ride Out a Bear Market

As stocks sold off, almost all stocks declined. That is truly the way prices move in a sell off and ...
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Khashoggi’s Impact on Investments

One of the tragic stories in the news the past few weeks has been about the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi ...
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Another Reason to Prepare for the Bear Market

Stocks in the U. S. have been volatile lately and volatility implies an unusually large amount of downside risk. That ...
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What the Fed Could Mean For Your Portfolio

When minutes from the September meeting of the Federal Reserve were released this week, traders received confirmation that the Fed ...
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This Is Why Headlines Can Be Hazardous to Your Wealth

Investors have a simple goal. They want to make money. They can do this by finding stocks that go up ...
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Here’s How to Invest in Stocks as Interest Rates Rise

Interest rates can cause stock market crashes and they can also contribute to extended bear markets in stocks. The problem ...
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Elon Musk Might Be Wrong About Short Sellers

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is unhappy with short sellers. At least some of his actions seem to be aimed at ...
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This Is the News That Could Doom the Stock Market and the Economy

The Wall Street Journal headline was scary enough even before investors thought about what it could mean. Mortgage Rates Fast ...
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Trading the Best Few Months for Retailers

This is the time of year when retailers tend to deliver strong results. And, this year, retailers are in the ...
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Here’s What the Smart Money in Commodities Is Doing

Commodities markets tend to be different than the stock market. Some of the participants in the commodities markets are seeking ...
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Italy Could Be the Next Crisis to Watch

CNBC personality is fond of saying that there’s always a bull market somewhere. He certainly seems to be correct. There ...
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Why the Next Recession Won’t Start Too Soon

A recession is near. At least that’s the conclusion of many economists who are analyzing the length of the current ...
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Interest Rates Could Become a Problem

Interest rates have been on the up swing for some time. The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates since ...
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Individuals Can Benefit from Quant Investing

Among the biggest ideas in investing right now is the concept of quantitative investing. It’s not really a new investing ...
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The Fourth Quarter Could Be the Best of the Year

If you ask children about their favorite times of the year, their answers will generally be either their birthday, the ...
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Financial Stress Could Deliver Investor Profits

Many families face financial stress. According to USA Today, The majority of Americans are not setting aside enough money in ...
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Investors Need to Listen to This Nobel Prize Winner

Economists often focus on theory. A popular economic theory is the efficient market hypothesis (EMH). The Nobel Prize winning economist ...
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The Truth Is Millennials Are Bullish for Markets

Imagine its 1984. The youngest baby boomers were turning 20 and the economy was about to be changed. To define ...
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Home Prices Are a Concern, Again

Many investors remember the last financial crisis. It devastated stock prices and the economy. Banks suffered, as did consumers. And ...
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Inflation Fears Could Be Justified

One concern cited by analysts is the fact that U.S. consumer spending is increasing solidly, indicating strong economic growth early ...
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Oil Prices Like This Triggered Recessions in the Past

This is an important time for the oil market. And, that means the economy faces a potential tipping point. In ...
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New Highs Lead to…

Investors seem to become concerned when stock market indexes reach new highs. There is, of course, good reason for that ...
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The Most Important Factor in Portfolio Returns

Many investors dedicate hours to finding just the right stock to buy. They want the next Apple, or the next ...
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Are Options Right for You?

Many investors use options strategies while other investors avoid options because they believe options carry high risks. The truth is ...
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Cash Points to Value in These Stocks

Value investors often look at earnings. Stocks with low price to earnings (P/E) ratios can be favorites of value investors ...
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Breadth Warning of a Possible Market Selloff

Traders are often forced to deal with conflicting information. They may look at different indicators, for example, and some of ...
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The Conservative Formula That Beats the Market

Investors are often told that risk and reward are inseparable, and it is impossible to have one without the other ...
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Hindenburg Omen: Great Marketing or Important Signal?

Wall Street is a unique place. It is an actual place where many people work in the financial sector. It ...
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Here’s Why Gold Could Be Worth a Look

Gold is an investment in the eyes of some investors. It is a hedge against catastrophe in the eyes of ...
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This Is What the Emerging Markets Bear Market Really Means

Emerging markets, as a group, are now more than 20% below their recent peak. A decline of 20% is the ...
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Trade A Sector Rotation Strategy

Traders know that stocks move up and down. The same is true for the market in general and for sectors ...
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Maybe There Is a Free Lunch for Investors After All

Economists often say "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch" although sometimes they will use better grammar and ...
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Weekly Review

  It’s Time to Ask What Bitcoin Really Is When an investor buys a stock, they know what they are ...
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Income Investors Need to Evaluate Reverse Mortgages

Money is an emotional topic at times. Among the most emotional topics can be reverse mortgages. But, before jumping to ...
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Cybersecurity Could Be the Next Big Thing for Investors

No matter what your political opinion is, if you follow politics you understand there is a potential threat to the ...
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Buying Assets for Pennies on the Dollar

The goal of investing is simple. Investors are trying to buy assets that will increase in value. That’s true of ...
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It’s Time to Ask What Bitcoin Really Is

When an investor buys a stock, they know what they are getting. Technically, it’s a chance to participate in the ...
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Weekly Review

An Alternative to Bitcoin: Ethereum Investors have always had a choice of strategies. This is true in the stock market ...
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Baby Bonds Could Help You Diversify Your Fixed Income Portfolio

Bonds belong in many portfolios. There are many ways to add bonds and each way has its advantages and disadvantages ...
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Trading the Fed Chairman’s Jackson Hole Speech

Every August, economists from around the world converge on Jackson Hole, Wyoming for one of the most important conferences of ...
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This Could Be the Most Important Part of a Company’s Financials

Elon Musk recently highlighted the importance of cash for a company. The billionaire CEO of Tesla and other companies tweeted ...
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An Alternative to Bitcoin: Ethereum

Investors have always had a choice of strategies. This is true in the stock market where investors can buy large ...
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Weekly Review

Bitcoin Isn’t the Only Crypto Opportunity Many investors are interested in cryptocurrencies. This drives some to consider investing in bitcoin ...
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Income from Idle Assets Is Now Possible

Many of us can sit down in a corner of our home and identify idle assets sitting in our line ...
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These Could Be the Best Digital Marketing Trades

Advertising is big business because it is the business of persuading consumers. Advertisers have courted consumers for hundreds of years, ...
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The Next Global Hotspot Is…

Investors are growing increasingly concerned about global stock markets. And, they should be. After all, emerging markets have led to ...
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Bitcoin Isn’t the Only Crypto Opportunity

Many investors are interested in cryptocurrencies. This drives some to consider investing in bitcoin. That is the largest crypto and ...
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Weekly Review

  Now, the NYSE Sees Value in Cryptos There are many good ideas in the financial world. Many have been ...
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Farming Could Be the Income Opportunity You’ve Overlooked

Income investors have been forced to search far and wide for income in recent years as the yields on bank ...
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This Investment Offers Growth and an Ethical Dilemma

When investors think of growth, they often look to tech sectors. They want to find the next killer app or ...
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Investing Like George Soros Is Within Reach for Individual Investors

George Soros is a trading legend. And, he is an investment legend because he achieved amazing results. Over more than ...
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Now, the NYSE Sees Value in Cryptos

There are many good ideas in the financial world. Many have been available for decades before they took off. Junk ...
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Weekly Review

Futures Could Be Your Key to Bitcoin Trading bitcoin can be appealing to many investors. But, the mechanics of trading ...
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Pros and Cons of Muni Bonds Right Now

A municipal bond, often called a muni bond, is a bond issued by a local government or a local government ...
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Value and Tech Can Go Together

Value stocks are often thought of as slow growing, older companies. Utility stocks are often a favorite of value investors ...
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Right Now, the Stock Market is Actually Moderately Undervalued

Value investing sounds simple enough. As Warren Buffett and other great practitioners have explained it, the idea is to find ...
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Futures Could Be Your Key to Bitcoin

Trading bitcoin can be appealing to many investors. But, the mechanics of trading bitcoin can be daunting to many. It’s ...
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Weekly Review

Investing in the Blockchain, Without All the Hassle of Investing in the Blockchain Cryptocurrencies have the potential to change the ...
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Mistakes Fixed Income Investors Can Make

It seems as if income investing should be more leisurely than investments in the stock market. That would, in theory, ...
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The Next Big Thing in Biotech and How You Can Trade This Development

Investors never get to sit back and think about success. They are always on the lookout for the next thing, ...
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Finding Value in an Overvalued Market

Let’s start by noting that the stock market is overvalued. Some analysts may argue against that premise, especially if they ...
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Investing in the Blockchain, Without All the Hassle of Investing on the Blockchain

Cryptocurrencies have the potential to change the financial world. They haven’t done so yet, but proponents of the asset class ...
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Weekly Review

Three Reasons Crypto Are Set to Soar Cryptocurrencies have both proponents and skeptics. The skeptics raise some valid points. One ...
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Experts Say These Are the Best Income Investments

Sometimes, we all need expert advice. This is obvious, but we don’t always want to accept it. Investors may find ...
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Research Proves It’s Easy to Beat the Stock Market

For many years, investors have often been told that it’s impossible to beat the stock market. This is the reason ...
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The Truth About Warren Buffett’s Performance

Widely regarded as one of the greatest investors of all time, if not the greatest investor of all time, Warren ...
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Three Reasons Crypto Are Set to Soar

Cryptocurrencies have both proponents and skeptics. The skeptics raise some valid points. One is that transactions take a significant amount ...
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Weekly Review

This Step Could Save You from Cryptocurrency Scams Scams are a part of any investment market. Within the past few ...
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How Real Estate Crowdfunding Can Create Passive Income

Real estate is a potential income investment, but many investors may overlook the possibility because of the high barriers to ...
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This Sector Appears to Be on the Path to Recovery

Traders can find value in a top down investing style. This methodology, as its name implies, starts at the top ...
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Stocks Are Overvalued: Here’s What That Really Means

Value investing is simple in theory. The general idea is to buy stocks that are undervalued. They are held and ...
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This Step Could Save You From Cryptocurrency Scams

Scams are a part of any investment market. Within the past few weeks, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took ...
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Weekly Review

Analyzing Bitcoin in Real Time Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are perfect for technical analysis. They are much like commodities markets ...
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Income and an Inflation Hedge, In an Obvious and Overlooked Area

Inflation is a growing concern. The truth is that inflation has been a concern for decades. One of the most ...
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A Whole New Group Develops in the Stock Market

Investors sometimes think of groups as relatively unchanging. There is the mining sector, the railroads, auto makers and other clearly ...
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Insider Buying Highlights Bargains

A recent study confirmed that parents should avoid saying things like “do as I say, not as I do” to ...
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Analyzing Bitcoin in Real Time

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are perfect for technical analysis. They are much like commodities markets where fundamentals play a smaller ...
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Weekly Review

  Google, Facebook and Twitter Could Reverse Crypto Trend The major internet companies are setting policies to limit misinformation. But, ...
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Evidence Trumps Fear for Income Investors

Fear is widely used as a selling strategy. Do you need an extended warranty with that new item you just ...
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Follow a Nobel Prize Winning Economist into This Sector

Let’s face it. Investing is hard work. Finance professors figured that out a long time ago. One, Harry Markowitz, realized ...
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Is Value Investing an Art or a Science?

Doctors often describe medicine as part science and part art. What they mean by that is diagnosing a set of ...
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Google, Facebook and Twitter Could Reverse Crypto Trend

Fake news! Election meddling! Social media warriors! There are a lot of negatives associated with social media and the online ...
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Weekly Review

Central Banks Could Boost Crypto There is a debate between skeptics and advocates of cryptocurrencies, or cryptos. Skeptics view the ...
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Climbing the Ladder to Escape Inflation

Interest rates are rising, slowly. Federal Reserve policies seem to be pointing to even higher rates. And, after a decade ...
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How to Trade Oil Prices, Whether They Rise or Fall

Oil prices are a constant concern. Consumers worry about higher prices because gas and transportation expenses rise with oil prices ...
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Improving Value Investing

Hundreds of years ago, in medieval legend, medieval knights went on great quests in search of the Holy Grail. At ...
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Central Banks Could Boost Crypto

There is a debate between skeptics and advocates of cryptocurrencies, or cryptos. Skeptics view the technology as a novelty at ...
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Weekly Review

Should You Buy the Crash in Cryptos? Cryptocurrencies crashed, again. This time, there are at least a few reasons to ...
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How Central Banks Will Affect Your Income Investments

Income investors have learned in the past decade that they are subject to risks associated with central banks. The largest ...
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Three Buys in a Sector that Greases the Wheels of Commerce

Retailers have been struggling over the past few years and many investors are scouting the sector in search of trading ...
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Finding Value Around the World

Investors often receive vague advice. They are told to buy value, hold for the long term and diversify broadly. Diversification ...
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Should You Buy the Crash In Cryptos?

Cryptocurrencies crashed, again. This time, there are at least a few reasons to explain the market action according to analysts ...
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Weekly Review

This Trillion Dollar Investment Manager Seems Set to Enter the Crypto Market Sometimes, it’s not necessary to be the first ...
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Maybe It Is Time to Worry About Social Security

Retirement is a dream for many individuals. It is also among the greatest fear for many individuals. The fears often ...
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An Industry Income Investors Might Overlook

In many cases, individuals divide stocks into income or growth categories. In many cases, the categories are mutually exclusive. That ...
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Is There Really an Existential Crisis in Value Investing?

The Wall Street Journal was clear. And, it was the type of headline that we saw way back in 1999 ...
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This Trillion Dollar Investment Manager Seems Set to Enter the Crypto Market

Source: Sometimes, it’s not necessary to be the first one into a market to make a large fortune. John ...
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Weekly Review

Central Bankers See Space for Cryptos Even as cryptocurrencies proliferate, there is significant debate about what exactly cryptos are. Central ...
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Finding Safe 5% Yields

Yields are elusive, especially high yields in the current market environment. Published yields can also be deceptive and may not ...
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The FBI Highlights a Trading Opportunity

Source: Recently, the FBI issued a report recommending that everyone reboot their routers. They found that, "foreign cyber actors ...
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Reduce Your Risk With This Strategy

When searching for trades, investors tend to think a great deal about what they should buy. This is important but ...
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Central Bankers See Space for Cryptos

Even as cryptocurrencies proliferate, there is significant debate about what exactly cryptos are. Central bankers around the world seem to ...
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Weekly Review

A Chance to Trade the Ground Floor Many investors look at great performing stocks and wish they had gotten in ...
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A Different Way to Invest in Amazon

Source: Warren Buffett has frequently written about his investment strategies. One, value investing, is well known. Buffett searches the ...
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Pet Spending Could Drive These Stocks

Pet owners tend to treat their animals well. This includes feeding them high quality foods and ensuring they receive the ...
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Value Factors: Buzzwords and Profits

Some investors argue that price moves are impossible to predict. But, many of these investors will consider that there are ...
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A Chance to Trade the Ground Floor

Many investors look at great performing stocks and wish they had gotten in “on the ground floor” or before the ...
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Weekly Review

Trading Bitcoin Through Your Brokerage Account Many traders might like to trade bitcoin but are unsure how to get started ...
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Income with Inflation Protection

Income investors face a number of risks. One of the greatest risks is that inflation will increase before their investment ...
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Higher Interest Rates Could Hurt These Stocks

The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates and is expected to deliver more rate hikes before the end of the ...
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Finding Value Overseas

Investors tend to have a “home court” bias. For investors in the US, that means they often invest too much ...
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Trading Bitcoin Through Your Brokerage Account

Many traders might like to trade bitcoin but are unsure how to get started. They know that the process can ...
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Weekly Review

Cryptocurrencies Could Be Right for Your Retirement Many individual investors face conflicting advice about their retirement accounts. They are told, ...
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A Possible Alternative to Funding College

College is becoming more and more expensive. Over the past thirty years, the cost has more than doubled. This is ...
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Gaining Insights from a Private Company

More and more research is being done on behavioral finance in an effort to understand how investors think. Research has ...
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Earnings Season Says Stocks Are Undervalued

Analysts have been watching earnings season for clues about the direction of the stock market. Earnings season comes four times ...
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Cryptocurrencies Could Be Right for Your Retirement

Many individual investors face conflicting advice about their retirement accounts. They are told, in at least some ways, to be ...
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Weekly Review

Buffett Could Be Wrong Over the weekend, Warren Buffett held his annual meeting for share holders of Berkshire Hathaway. The ...
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An eBay Opportunity for Income Investors

Source: You might recall the original story behind eBay, the online auction site. It was touching and heartwarming. It ...
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News on Iran Affects More Than Oil

On Tuesday, as expected, President Trump announced that the U.S. will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. The President was ...
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The Formula Ben Graham Taught Warren Buffett

Ben Graham was Warren Buffett’s business school professor. According to Wall Street legends, Buffett read Graham’s book and decided to ...
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Buffett Could Be Wrong

Over the weekend, Warren Buffett held his annual meeting for share holders of Berkshire Hathaway. The meeting includes a question ...
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Weekly Review

Following the Money in the Bitcoin Market Some investors believe it can be useful to follow the “big money” or ...
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Can You Really Generate Passive Income from Your Stocks?

Many investors understand the concept of writing options as a way to generate income but wonder if the strategy is ...
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This Sector Could Be the Biggest Etail Winner

Etailers, the companies that sell online products, are adding to the problems of traditional retailers. Some might say that etailers ...
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Traditions Mean Safe Income from These Stocks

Imagine that you are responsible for making the special dessert at your family’s holiday celebration. Someone has prepared the exact ...
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Following the Money In the Bitcoin Market

Some investors believe it can be useful to follow the “big money” or the “smart money.” To understand the rationale ...
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Weekly Review

How to Avoid Crypto Scams Investing in cryptocurrencies can be lucrative. Headlines tell of traders making million-dollar fortunes in the ...
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Demographics Highlight an Income Opportunity

Demographics are destiny, according to some analysts. This idea extends far beyond the stock market. Politicians follow demographic trends and ...
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The Next Big Trend for Traders Is Another Sin Industry

Among the biggest trends in the stock market in recent years has been marijuana. It has been legalized in many ...
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How to Spot the Next GE

General Electric (NYSE: GE) has left some investors reeling. If you’re reading this and you own individual stocks, there is ...
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How to Avoid Crypto Scams

Investing in cryptocurrencies can be lucrative. Headlines tell of traders making million dollar fortunes in the markets with a few ...
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Weekly Review

Crypto Demonstrates Its Value in the Syrian Crisis Many investors look at gold as a hedge against international turmoil. That ...
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Looking at an Unloved Income Investment

Investing is emotional for many people. Those emotional responses have led to detailed studies in the field of behavioral finance ...
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Conflicts, highlight investment opportunities

Last weekend, President Trump ordered military strikes in Syria, a response to the Syrian government’s decision to launch a chemical ...
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Bloomberg Shows Stocks Can Gain 40%

Source: Some market research is truly more important than others. Generally, long term forecasts will have more value than ...
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Crypto Demonstrates Its Value in the Syrian Crisis

Many investors look at gold as a hedge against international turmoil. That thesis is likely to be put to the ...
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Weekly Review

Crypto Markets Are Moving Towards Stability Markets evolve. That’s always been true, but investors tend to forget that important lesson ...
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Income From Oil, Without Investing in the High Cost Oil Producers

Energy investments are appealing for a number of reasons. They are a hedge against inflation, at least in part. This ...
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Trade Woes Will Drive Stocks, and These Stocks Could Be the Winners

Stocks have been rallying after fears of a trade war between the United States and China eased. Reports noted that, ...
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Warren Buffett’s Secret Way of Thinking About Stocks

Warren Buffett may be the most successful investor of all time.  But, the methods he uses are not publicized. That ...
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Crypto Markets Are Moving Towards Stability

Markets evolve. That’s always been true but investors tend to forget that important lesson when a new market seems to ...
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Weekly Review

Cryptocurrencies Could Factor Into the Next Trade War It was just a few years ago that trade wars seemed to ...
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Generate Income Like a Music Star

“Telephone number checks” is one way to describe the income some performers make from royalties. These are checks containing seven ...
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Stocks Analysts Like, and Some They Dislike

Analysts were generally optimistic after companies reported results last quarter. They were, in fact, historically optimistic. We can see how ...
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The Truth About Value Investing

Value investing works. Plus, it is intellectually appealing. Yet, it is difficult for many individual investors to strictly follow a ...
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Cryptocurrencies Could Factor Into the Next Trade War

It was just a few years ago that trade wars seemed to be a subject confined to the history books ...
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Weekly Review

Eliminating the Risks of Bitcoin Investments Risk and return are always assumed to be inseparable. In other words, you always ...
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Investing in high quality preferred stocks

Source: Learn about Investing in high quality preferred stocks and get passive income. Preferred stocks are an often overlooked ...
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This Industry Could Lead the Market Lower

Source: Stock prices have been volatile in the past few weeks and we could be in the early stages ...
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Pitfalls of Value Investing: Value Traps

Source: Investors are a diverse group. Some focus on the long term and others have a shorter term time ...
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Eliminating the Risks of Bitcoin Investments

Risk and return are always assumed to be inseparable. In other words, you always have to accept higher than average ...
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Weekly Review

How to Invest in Cryptocurrency There are two very common questions about cryptocurrencies. One is “what are cryptocurrencies?” Second is “how ...
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Bad News Provides a Passive Income Trading Opportunity

Investors know that news can move a stock. Often, the price moves that occur because of news is a short ...
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Macrotrends Point to These Stocks as Potential Winners

Traders often focus on the daily moves in the stock market. They might look at the change in the S&P ...
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Think About Stocks Like a Business

Stock market investors often think about companies in terms of their price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio or other valuation metric. But, if ...
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How to Invest in Cryptocurrency

There are two very common questions about cryptocurrencies. One is “what are cryptocurrencies?” Second is “how do I invest in cryptocurrencies?” ...
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Weekly Review

Applying Technicals to Cryptos Cryptocurrencies are a new market. This is a technology that did not even exist a generation ...
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hedge fund trading strategies | Generate Extra income

Stocks deliver income through dividends. These regular payments can build large fortunes over time. But, recent income from dividends has ...
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An ETF Highlights Stocks to Buy

We often think of exchange traded funds, or ETFs, as investment vehicles. That is, after all, their primary purpose. An ...
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Blood in the Street Investment Lessons

Many of us have heard the advice that “the time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”  There ...
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Applying Technicals to Cryptos

Cryptocurrencies are a new market. This is a technology that did not even exist a generation ago and is now ...
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Weekly Review

The Importance of Fundamentals in Crypto Markets Many investors focus on fundamentals. They search for value in the stock market ...
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Overcoming the Problems of Covered Calls to Create Passive Income

Source: Covered calls are a well known income strategy. With this strategy, an investor sells call options on stocks ...
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Tariff Talk Could Move These Sectors

Stocks reacted with a sell off on what traders are calling “the tariffs announcement.” Last week, President Donald Trump suddenly ...
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Investment Lessons from a Great Economist

Few economists gain fame. When they do, it can be from an error. Irving Fisher, for example, developed the basic ...
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The Importance of Fundamentals in Crypto Markets

Many investors focus on fundamentals. They search for value in the stock market and are confident in that approach. They ...
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Weekly Review

Strategies for Trading Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin has captured the imagination of traders. And, there is a good reason ...
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Passive Income Is Built Into These ETFs

Stock market investors often associate income with dividends. That is certainly one source of income for investors. If asked to ...
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This Is the Best Sector For a Bear Market

Traders spend a great deal of time thinking about the markets they trade. This is natural since their success is ...
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Computer Assisted Value Investing

Value investing predates the computer. But, it is a style of investing that is readily adaptable to automation. Value investing, ...
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Strategies for Trading Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin has captured the imagination of traders. And, there is a good reason for that. Many traders have reported large ...
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Weekly Review

Regulators Aren’t an Existential Threat to Cryptocurrencies There are many reasons that cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are volatile. But, one of ...
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Hard Money Lending Can Provide Passive Income

Every saver has come to understand the problem of low interest rates. Interest rates available on safe investments could be ...
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This Sector Could Lead the Market Higher

Traders have been whipsawed in February as market volatility increased. The selloff which took prices of the S&P 500 Index, ...
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Investing Secrets of the Witch of Wall Street

Source: New England Historical Society You might not be familiar with the “witch of Wall Street.” Hetty Green died in ...
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Regulators Aren’t an Existential Threat to Cryptocurrencies

There are a number of reasons that cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are volatile. But, one of the reasons is certainly the ...
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Weekly Review

Here’s Why Cryptocurrencies Really Are Money Bulls and bears can become passionate about their arguments. This seems to be especially ...
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Goldman Sachs Could Be the Best Choice for Income for Small Investors

Learn about Good investment ideas / opportunities for small investors, Goldman Sachs is a Wall Street legend. The company has ...
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A Sector That Marijuana Could Push to Higher Highs

The bear market is a distant memory for many investors. It was 2008 when stocks began plunging and by March ...
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Finding best safe dividend high paying stocks

It happened in 2008 with big banks and many large companies. The stock price fell, and the dividend yield soared ...
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Here’s Why Cryptocurrencies Really Are Money

Bulls and bears can become passionate about their arguments. This seems to be especially true in the cryptocurrency markets where ...
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Weekly Review

Is the Selloff in Cryptos a Buying Opportunity? Market declines follow a predictable pattern in some ways. Bears claim vindication ...
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Become a Private Equity Investor for Passive Income

Private equity is one of the best performing asset classes over time, but, at least until now, individual investors have ...
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Analysts Say Look at This Sector as Stocks Rebound

Stocks fell sharply over the past week. The S&P 500 dropped 9.5% below its all time high. The Dow Jones ...
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John templeton investment strategy

Source: John Templeton Foundation When we think of investors who changed the theory of investing, we might think of Warren ...
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Is the Selloff in Cryptos a Buying Opportunity?

Market declines follow a predictable pattern in some ways. Bears claim vindication. It doesn’t matter that large gains were possible ...
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Weekly Review

Can the Government Take Your Bitcoins? Reading the words can be chilling for Americans. On April 5, 1933, the government ...
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Real Estate Income Without Owning Real Estate

Investors often understand the value of a real estate investment. Property values tend to rise over time and can deliver ...
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Watch For Mergers and Acquisitions, and Big Gains, In This Sector

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are among the events that move markets. But, M&A activity tends to be unpredictable. The recent ...
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Beyond P/E Ratios: A Better Way to Evaluate Companies

Value investing is a simple process in theory. The goal is to find a stock that is priced at a ...
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Can the Government Take Your Bitcoins?

Reading the words can be chilling for Americans. On April 5, 1933, the government confiscated the gold of American citizens ...
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Weekly Review

Cryptos as Part of a Balanced Portfolio Individual investors often think of a balanced portfolio as one that holds stocks ...
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Passive Income From the Stock Market

Income is elusive in the current market environment. Interest rates are low as are the yields on stocks, in general ...
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Artificial Intelligence: From Buzzword to Investment Strategy

Investment news, and even general news stories, tend to be filled with exciting buzzwords about technology. There are driverless cars ...
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Investment Secrets of Peter Lynch

If you are new to investing, you may not be familiar with Peter Lynch. He was one of the world’s ...
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Cryptos as Part of a Balanced Portfolio

Individual investors often think of a balanced portfolio as one that holds stocks and bonds. One of the most popular ...
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Weekly Review

A Different Way to Think About Cryptocurrencies If you’re an investor, you are probably familiar with cryptocurrencies. They are the ...
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Peer to peer lending investment best returns – Get Passive Income

Interest rates are rising but they are still low. The truth is they are too low for many investors who ...
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Winners From the Annual Consumer Electronics Show

Every year, companies attend the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to showcase their new products and their ideas for the future ...
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Investing like warren buffett – investing advice

Investing like warren buffett - investing advice, Many individual investors wonder if they could be like Warren Buffett. They dream ...
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A Different Way to Think About Cryptocurrencies

If you’re an investor, you are probably familiar with cryptocurrencies. Best investment options for individuals and represent a new asset ...
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News Traders Can Use

U.S. to Rely on Russia for Astronaut Transportation Into 2019 NASA will continue using Russian spacecraft to take American astronauts ...
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How to invest or get paid in oil stocks now

Learn about - How to invest or get paid in oil stocks now, Oil seems to be breaking out of ...
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News Traders Can Use

Weatherford Divests US Oil-Well Unit to Schlumberger Weatherford International, Ltd. (NYSE: WFT) has divested U.S. oil-well business to a subsidiary ...
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Stocks Priced Under $2 Selling For Less Than their Asset Value

Value investing has an appealing logic to many investors. The idea is simple. Value investing generally involves searching for stocks ...
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These Stocks Could Shine in a Bear Market

The S&P 500 fell slightly more than 20% from its all-time, intraday high to its recent low. The Dow Jones ...
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News Traders Can Use

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (ADR) Exclusively Launches Generic Version of Reyataz Capsules in U.S. HIV Market Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd ...
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Trading Alongside the Fed

When searching for the best return on investment as the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, fixed income investors will get ...
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News Traders Can Use

White House, GOP celebrate passing sweeping tax bill Republican lawmakers joined President Donald Trump on Wednesday afternoon to celebrate their ...
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Your Best Investment Options for Retirement Planning in 2018

As the end of the year approaches, many investors are reviewing their portfolios. They are deciding how to allocate their ...
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News Traders Can Use

Western Digital and Toshiba to reportedly call a truce Western Digital Corp. (Nasdaq: WDC) and Toshiba Corp. will reportedly call ...
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Where to Invest Money Now Learn different Investment Opportunities

Investors are constantly faced with a question. Every time they consider their investments, they need to ask, “what is the ...
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News Traders Can Use

CVS is reportedly buying Aetna for $69 billion Aetna’s (AET) board of directors has reportedly agreed to approve the sale of the ...
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Short Term Investment Tips for Conservative Investors

Investors are often advised to focus on the long term. This might be good advice but often it comes from ...
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News Traders Can Use

UK approves OTC version of Pfizer's Viagra The U.K. has become the first place in the world to allow Viagra, ...
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Spot Dangers and Find the Best Return on Investment

While reviewing potential investment opportunities, many investors consider the yield. The yield for a stock is exchange traded fund (or ...
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News Traders Can Use

Trump administration sues to block AT&T-Time Warner merger AT&T's (NYSE: T) gotten out ahead of an expected Justice Dept. announcement that ...
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What is the best investment Options

Many investors are looking for the best investment opportunities. They want to know which of the many available investment options ...
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News Traders Can Use

Canadian marijuana investors cheer dollar-per-gram tax proposal Recently, the country's Department of Finance reiterated the government's commitment to legalizing the ...
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Should I invest or own in commodities

When building a portfolio, many investors consider, in broad terms, how to allocate their funds. This makes sense because funds ...
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News Traders Can Use

Venezuela seeks to restructure debt Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro has announced plans to make one final $1.1B principal payment today for a bond ...
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Cryptocurrencies 101

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies might be the most exciting market in the world right now. But, they aren’t for everyone ...
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News Traders Can Use

Big corporate tax cut creating winners and losers as lawmakers try for reform House Republicans are trying to come together ...
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How to invest / participate in next uber stock

How to invest / participate in next uber stock Uber is believed to be worth about $70 billion. From outside ...
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News That Traders Can Use

Toshiba Considering Options for Selling Its Chip Unit Toshiba Corp. investors approved the sale of its memory chip unit and ...
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You Probably Can’t Invest In the Best Performing Hedge Funds are Minimum Investment, But That’s Okay

Best Performing Hedge Funds are Minimum mysterious Investment for many investors. They are open to select investors, those who meet ...
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